SkyDemon for iPad, iPhone and Mac

Our iOS app is a free download from the App Store, and once installed on your iPad, iPhone or Mac, requires you to enter the credentials for your SkyDemon subscription (or trial) to work. If you do not already have a SkyDemon subscription, go to the Get Started page.

On an iPad

Your iPad needs to be running at least iOS 12.

You must have the cellular variant of iPad if you want to use built-in GPS. If you have the WiFi-only variant, you will need to obtain an external GPS or traffic receiver.

We suggest obtaining the physical size of iPad that best suits you and your cockpit.

On an iPhone

Your iPhone needs to be running at least iOS 12.

All iPhones have an internal GPS. You can use this or optionally obtain an external GPS or traffic receiver.

iPhones come with a variety of storage sizes, but even the smallest of these is more than big enough for SkyDemon.

On a Mac

Your Mac needs to be ARM-based, such as the M1 or M2. These started being released at the end of 2020.

To determine if your Mac can run SkyDemon, click the Apple logo at the top-left of your screen and select About This Mac, and in the window that appears, look for a reference to M1 or Silicon.